








The leadership of our school--the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 

中華總會館是旅美華僑之最高機構,成立於一八五四年。當時華僑在加州成立之會館已有六所,遂聯同主辦洋務。當日所稱之「六大公司」也。一八七六年易名為「中華會館」。至一九零一年始向加州政府立案為「駐美中華總會館  CCBA」。



The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, long recognized as the representative organization of the overseas Chinese in the United States,  was established in 1854. At that time,  overseas Chinese had alredy formed six associations in the state of California, which were called " Six  Companies " Later, the Association was consolidated into the single " Chinese Association " in 1862. In 1901 the association was renamed the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, and later on the association formally registered with the state of California as CCBA.

The Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association is governed by a board of directors,whose members are respectvely Ning Yung, Shue Hing, Hop Wo, Kong Zhou, Yeung Wo, Sam Yup and Yan Wo associations. The respective presidents from the seven associations from the Board of Presidents, one of whom leads as the presiding president.

One of the duties of the  Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association is " to provide education in the Chinese Language for all overseas Chinese children."